To begin receiving payments, you must first set up your account. The company you work for will send you an email invitation containing a link to get started. Velo will not send an invitation to you on their behalf. If you are unable to locate the email invitation in your inbox, please check your junk or spam email folders and search for Velo.
Setting up an account with Velo takes minutes. To complete enrollment you will need a valid Tax ID, mobile phone number, and banking information. When you’re ready, click the link in the invitation email you received and follow the steps below.
You may also download a Payee Onboarding Example at the bottom of this page.
Onboarding Flow
Verify your Identity
- You will be prompted to verify your identity by entering specific digits of your Tax ID or a security challenge code.
- If you are prompted to enter digits from a Security Challenge Code and you don’t have this code, please check communications sent to you by the company you work for. For further assistance contact Velo Support.
Terms of Service
- Please take a moment to read and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. To continue enrollment, you will agree to authorize Velo the ability to share information with third-party services under the Terms of Use (i.e., Velo's bank partners).
- Confirm your account type, Individual or Company.
- Review your profile information including Name, Date of Birth (if applicable), Address, and Tax ID.
Account Login
- Create a password and provide a phone number to be used for two-factor authentication and payment notifications.
- Once a phone number has been provided, a text message with a code will be triggered. Please confirm the phone number by entering the verification code.
Payment Method
- Enter your preferred Payment Method details. The options will vary depending on the company you work for and your country.
- Confirm the banking information provided and visit the portal.